Quotes of the week

'I don't see the logic in taking him off. You think to yourself sometimes, what more does he have to do?'

Martin Dwyer: Derby winner with Sir Percy in 2006
Martin Dwyer: Derby-winning jockey spoke about Callum Shepherd losing his big-race mount in the race this yearCredit: Edward Whitaker (

I didn't think Callum deserved to lose the ride, I think he's proved himself worthy of riding a big player in the Derby and I don't see the logic in taking him off. You think to yourself sometimes, what more does he have to do?
Derby-winning jockey Martin Dwyer questions why Callum Shepherd has lost the ride on Ambiente Friendly in the Epsom Classic

'I can't see the logic' - Derby-winning jockey questions decision as Callum Shepherd is jocked off Epsom second favourite 

We just haven't got the novices coming through. If we have less novices coming through than we ever have, then where are the horses going to come from?
The BHA's steeplechase handicap team leader Martin Greenwood expects the Irish dominance in jump racing to continue for a while

'We just haven't got the novices coming through' - more short-term pain expected for British jump racing after classifications 

We don’t need any further pressure from things like that. It was a gimmick trying to throw an extra few hundred pounds at it, and from everyone's perspective it wasn’t a sensible idea
Callum Shepherd is relieved that Sunday evening racing in Britain has been scrapped after its trial

'It wasn't a sustainable idea' - Sunday evening racing scrapped in Britain after failure to hit betting turnover target 

I had a lot to learn, not just about horses but life in general. My parents are very proud of me and have always been behind me, and Karl has been like a father figure too
Clifford Lee hails the impact his boss and trainer Karl Burke has had on his career so far

'I've made mistakes and there was definitely plenty of frustration - but now I'm where I want to be' 

To come here with a live contender is wonderful. We’re all excited about having a crack at our own Derby rather than going across the Channel. I probably won’t sleep much beforehand as it’s something I never thought I'd be involved in
 Roger Teal cannot wait for next weekend's Betfred Derby with stable star Dancing Gemini

'He handled the track beautifully' - Epsom workout has Roger Teal convinced of Derby bid for Dancing Gemini 

Now I'm here all it does it make me feel hungrier. There's no contentment whatsoever. I'm more ambitious now than I've ever been
A thriving George Scott is keen to continue his strong season heading into the busy months

George Scott: 'Things had to change for us to stay in the conversation - and I think it's allowed us to become relevant again' 

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