Gambling review

How to contact your MP to encourage them to participate in key debate on affordability checks

The Racing Post is urging racing fans, bettors and professionals to contact their local MP to participate in the parliamentary debate on affordability checks.

There are two ways you can do this:

1. By following the instructions on this link. This is a simple online service set up by British racing that enables you to find out who your MP is and send them a letter which has been pre-prepared by the BHA on behalf of racing fans and bettors. It takes less than two minutes to complete and you can edit the letter as desired.

2. If you would prefer to contact your MP via your own email account or via written letter, you can find the name of your MP and their contact details by simply entering your postcode on the parliament website.

You can write a letter to your MP at: [MP name] House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Or you can email them using the contact details on the parliament website. Remember to always include your own address when you write to your MP so they know you live in their constituency.

While writing your own letter or email to an MP is naturally more time-consuming, a personalised message outlining your concerns about the impact of affordability checks on racing and your civil liberties is particularly effective.

Read these next:

Sir Mark Prescott issues rallying call for punters and racing to press MPs to attend crucial debate on affordability checks

Affordability checks: what your MP needs to know ahead of the big debate

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