
Market Rasen raises game after being awarded one-star food hygiene rating

Market Rasen: criticised in food safety report
Market Rasen: criticised in food safety report

Market Rasen says it acted fast to raise food hygiene standards after being told major improvement was needed following a visit from inspectors.

Environmental health checks led to the course receiving just one star under the Food Standards Agency rating scheme, the lowest handed out in the last two months of 2017 by North East Lincolnshire Council, East Lindsey District Council and West Lindsey District Council.

Inspectors said major improvement was needed regarding hygienic food handling and management of food safety.

But a spokesperson for the course said the findings, made in a check-up on December 7, were a one-off, and stressed: "Health and safety is of utmost importance to us. We have a very strong food safety record and we set extremely high standards.

"We are naturally very disappointed with this rating. The issues raised in this report were immediately rectified, further training of our teams has been undertaken and we have put in place additional monitoring processes to ensure the highest standards continue to be maintained.

"We have worked closely with the local authority, who have revisited the racecourse and were pleased with the actions we have taken."

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David CarrReporter

