Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe

'She has the potential to run very well in this prestigious international race' - key quotes on the main Arc contenders

Through Seven Seas: intriguing Arc contender for Japan
Through Seven Seas: intriguing Arc contender for Japan

The Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe (3.15 Longchamp), one of Europe's best races, takes place on Sunday. Here we pick out key quotes on several of the leading contenders . . .

Ace Impact

Odds: 7-2f

Pauline Chehboub, joint-owner "Jean-Claude Rouget [trainer] announced after the Jockey Club that the Arc would be his principal objective for the second half of the season and, following his fifth consecutive win, we’ve decided to go straight there. We felt a lot of pressure going to the Guillaume d’Ornano last time because it wasn’t a real objective and, when they break track records in a race like the Jockey Club, it can sometimes leave its mark. But Ace Impact came back from his Classic victory in great shape, and looks stronger than ever, physically and mentally. He is unbeaten and we don’t yet know his limits, while he will head to the Arc a fresh horse and the logical favourite."

Ace Impact15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: J-C Rouget


Odds: 5-1

Angus Gold, racing manager to owners Shadwell "Owen [Burrows, trainer] knows he can get him to the races to run his best off a break, and it's worked so far. I don't know if there's an ideal way, and the French are very canny in the way they go about it. They don't overrace through the summer and that's the approach we've opted to take with this horse. We'll see on Sunday if it was the right one. He's right in the mix. The King George was probably the race of the season – certainly as a spectacle and probably form-wise as well, of the older horses anyway – so he goes there with a good chance."

Hukum15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: Owen Burrows


Odds: 8-1

Colin Keane: won the Irish Derby last year but will miss the race next month
Westover: leading contender for BritainCredit: Patrick McCann

Barry Mahon, racing manager to owners Juddmonte "Westover is on an upward trajectory as his last run was a career best, but his last few runs have probably been career-best efforts. He’s in great shape and had a day away at Salisbury last week, which went according to plan. Ralph and Rob [Hornby, jockey] were very happy with how he went, he had a good blow there and it should bring him forward nicely. He’s pretty much ready to rock and roll. He’s a good traveller and has plenty of international experience. It’s going to be a top-class event, as it is every year, but he’s fully deserving of his place in the race."

Westover15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: Ralph Beckett


Odds: 8-1 (needs to be supplemented)

Aidan O'Brien, trainer "It's possible he will be [O'Brien's sole runner in the Arc]. If the lads decide to go to Longchamp with him, he looks the obvious one for the Arc. He seems to travel very easy through his races and he quickens too. He seems to handle fast ground and soft ground, so we'd have no worries on that front either. Ryan [Moore] was very happy with him and said he was delighted with the way he moved through the race at Doncaster. We won't make a final decision on the Arc until next week. We'll see how he is and how he's come out of the Leger first. We'll give him every chance. He seems fine so far and all the signs are good. Everybody has been very happy since Saturday. He would have to be supplemented on Wednesday and obviously we will give him every chance before the lads have to make their minds up."

Continuous15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: A P O'Brien

Feed The Flame

Odds: 9-1

Pascal Bary, trainer [after the Prix Neil] "Feed The Flame accelerated well but in the last 100 metres he looked tired and blew very hard afterwards, while I think the winner [Fantastic Moon] is a good horse. He was in among horses for once and I think it will serve as a good preparation, though of course it's always better to win than be second. Softer ground would be a big help on Arc day."

Feed The Flame15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: P Bary

Bay Bridge

Odds: 20-1

James Savage, assistant to trainer Sir Michael Stoute "The plan is to go for the Arc as long as the ground stays on the easy side. He would go over on Friday morning, he would stay probably in Chantilly, and have a canter at Chantilly before the race."

Bay Bridge15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: Sir Michael Stoute

Through Seven Seas

Odds: 20-1

Tomohito Ozeki, trainer "Personally I was surprised at the suggestion [heading to the Arc], but in view of how well she has progressed this year, her pedigree, her style of running and, more than anything, her second place in the Takarazuka Kinen, she has won me over and that is why we are here. My first thought after the race was that we might have won and been the horse to beat the mighty Equinox. But watching the race back, I still think Equinox is a real champion and pretty much unbeatable. The fact she was able to get close to him still gives me a lot of confidence. Obviously, the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe is a different test, but I do think she has the potential to run very well in a prestigious international race like this."

Through Seven Seas15:15 Longchamp
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Jky: Tnr: Tomohito Ozeki

Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe (October 1, Longchamp)

bet365: 7-2 Ace Impact, 5 Hukum, 7 Westover, 8 Continuous, 9 Feed The Flame, 20 Simca Mille, Through Seven Seas, Place Du Carrousel, Bay Bridge, Luxembourg, 25 bar

Read more . . .

'The plan is to go' - Champion Stakes winner Bay Bridge set to run in Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe 

'It suits him because he's an exuberant horse' - Ralph Beckett on Westover's unusual Arc preparation 

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