Affordability checks 'threaten future' of racing in Northern Ireland

There are fears for the future of horseracing in Northern Ireland after affordability checks with a "trigger" limit of £100 a month appeared in a proposed Gambling Code of Practice.
Downpatrick manager Richard Lyttle expressed concern that the proposals could have "a significant impact on the viability of horseracing in Northern Ireland", while the owner of the north's biggest betting shop chain, Gary Toal, told the Racing Post all 45 of his shops would close if the proposed affordability checks became reality.
The Gambling Code of Practice, which was drafted by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland and has a consultation process that is due to end on Friday, proposes that affordability checks should be actioned if a customer spends in excess of the minimum "trigger" limit of £100 in a month, and that operators "should refuse to accept payments in excess of the 'trigger' limit from any customer who chooses not to submit to a prior affordability check and in advance of the result becoming known".
It also states that affordability checks should take place at racecourses as well as betting shops, bingo clubs, amusement arcades and travelling fairs.
The proposal comes against the backdrop of the British government's ongoing Gambling Review and the white paper which is expected to be published in the spring. British racing fears that if intrusive affordability checks are introduced, it could lose more than £60m in revenue.
'We have serious concerns about the proposed codes'
The proposed code of practice sparked serious concerns from Lyttle, who said: "As one of the two racecourses in Northern Ireland it is our position that the draft proposed codes of practice have the potential to have a significant impact on the viability of horseracing in Northern Ireland. We have serious concerns about the proposed codes as currently drafted both in terms of their complexity and their workability.
"There is the very real potential that the economic effect the proposed codes will have on both on-course and off-course bookmakers will consequently damage the racecourses in this jurisdiction to the extent that they may not be viable."
Toal, of Toals Bookmakers, expressed concerns for his business and said he believes the proposals are unrealistic and impractical.
Toal said: "I think I speak for most of the bookmakers up north in saying we have no issues with the code of practice apart from where we are with the affordability checks. If the figure is £100 a month as proposed in the code of practice my shops would have to close and I would say both racecourses here would have to close as well.
"But there will be consultation on this and there will be sensible and realistic debate on it."
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Providing an example of the difficulties the affordability checks would cause, he added: "I have a Paddy Power shop, a BoyleSports shop and a McLeans shop within 200 yards of one of my shops. Someone can start with a pound in McLeans and put that on a 9-1 shot that wins. He then goes to BoyleSports and puts that tenner on another 9-1 shot and it wins too. He now has a hundred quid. Then he walks into my shop and he wants to put that hundred quid on an even-money shot at Cheltenham. I can't take the bet off him because he has to prove to me that he can afford it. He has to tell me who his dependants are and what other debt he has. It's just so impractical.
"Possibly there is a solution in ten years' time but I can't see it in the next five years."
Conor O'Neill, chairman of the Association of Irish Racecourses, which includes Down Royal and Downpatrick, labelled the proposed gambling amendments for Northern Ireland "completely impractical" and said the legislation would have a detrimental effect on the industry if implemented.
O'Neill said: "What is being proposed here is totally and utterly impractical. I do understand that the principles set out in this draft are quite positive in theory, but a lot of what is being proposed for implementation at the racecourses of our members is completely impractical. It simply wouldn't work.
"Take the proposed affordability checks set out in this draft, for example. They would require a full review of a client's personal credit score, income, the number of dependants and any loan commitments they have. This proposal suggests this review would be triggered and full implementation required for any punter placing a bet in excess of £100.
"Can you imagine the implications of such a proposal? It’s simply not practical."
'We are gravely concerned over the potential impact'
The income received from betting shops in Northern Ireland is a major revenue stream for Down Royal and Downpatrick and the suggested amendments to the current legislation is likely to have a significant impact on the viability of horseracing in the region.
Emma Meehan, chief executive of Down Royal, said: "Horseracing is in a unique sporting position, in that it and betting are interdependent with most of our revenue streams linked to betting. These include the Horse Racing Fund, administered by DAERA [department of agriculture, environment and rural affairs], and income from media rights deals between racecourses as well as betting operators and sponsorship deals.
"While we agree the legislation needs modernising and developing to ensure it is fit for the modern age in a sector that has been transformed through the rise of mobile and online gaming, we are gravely concerned over the potential impact this proposed legislation will have upon the future of horseracing within Northern Ireland, a sport that is still recovering from the financial implications of Covid-19."
Read more on this subject:
'Smarter way' to tackle affordability than blanket checks, says leading operator
Racegoers urged to contact MPs over 'unintended consequences' of gambling review
Ministers warned YouGov poll is 'wake-up call' over potential gambling measures

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