
'I honestly couldn't imagine doing anything else'

Victoria Macauley: a foaling manager at Tweenhills Stud
Victoria Macauley: a foaling manager at Tweenhills Stud

The invaluable role played by the stable, stud and racecourse staff has been recognised by Racing Staff Week, which began on Saturday with the first of series of daily initiatives.

Sponsored by Betfair, it is designed to inform and engage racegoers and supporters of the sport, while rewarding those who dedicate their working lives to the sport.

In the first of a series to coincide with the initiative, the Racing Post spoke to stud worker Victoria Macauley about her experiences in horse racing.

Name: Victoria Macauley

Job: Foaling manager, Tweenhills Stud

Age: 26

What was your first job in racing?
Working for a summer doing yearling prep in Catridge Farm Stud

Why did you want to work in the industry?
At home we have always had National Hunt horses so it was a natural progression. Prior to entering the industry I completed a degree in Business and Accounting so that I would have something to fall back on

Who do you most admire in racing?
The individuals who are working at ground level within the industry because they are the cogs in the machine and without them the machine would not work

How do you celebrate a winner?
With a celebratory drink before looking for the next one!

What can racing do to attract more staff?
It seems to be a major industry issue at the moment that does not have an easy answer

If you could pay someone else to do one part of your job, what would it be?
I actually quite enjoy all aspects of my job. Parts of it do get monotonous at times but there's nothing I really dislike

What's your biggest strength in the role?
Through the foaling season I have to work during the day and foal anything that foals through the night so being able to survive on varying amounts of sleep is a definite strength

If you weren't working in racing, what would you be doing?
I honestly could not imagine doing anything else because it is all I have ever known that I wanted to do

