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3:30 Ballindenisk (IRE) 16 May 2021

INHSC Supporting Point-to-Points Open

3m Yielding To Soft
Pos. (Draw)
Horse / SP
Trainer / Jockey
11 1111 104
br g Robin Des Pres (FR) - Back To Roost (IRE) (Presenting)
Trkd ldr, ld bef 6th, 2l adv aftr 3out, hdd aftr 2out & rdn, ld agn bef last where gd jmp, eased cl hm
2  2
7 1111 102
b g Dragon Dancer - Quisiera (FR) (Passing Sale)
Ld, hdd well bef 6th, 2l 2nd aftr 3out, ld gng well aftr 2out, hdd bef last where outjmed, no impr on wnr
3  10 [12]
12 1111 92
b g Brian Boru - Lady Appeal (IRE) (Phardante)
Ran 4th, 3rd aftr 4out, 4l 3rd well after 3out, no impr on front pair up in 6l 3rd aftr 2out
4  4 [16]
16 1111 88
ch g Salford Express (IRE) - Tropical Times (Candy Cane)
Chsd ldrs in 3rd, last aftr 4out, no impr well aftr 3out, mod 4th from aftr 2out
13 122
b g Saddlers' Hall (IRE) - Ardower (IRE) (Montelimar)
Cto last from start until ref 3rd
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