
D-Day as Irish racing awaits news of a possible earlier resumption date

Irish racing: a decision is expected on the resumption of racing on Friday
Irish racing: a decision is expected on the resumption of racing on FridayCredit: Patrick McCann

Friday has been billed as D-Day for Irish racing as the industry waits with bated breath ahead of a possible decision from the government about the easing of Covid-19 restrictions that would see racing return sooner than June 29.

Racing is scheduled to return in phase three of the government’s roadmap, which outlines the staggered reopening of businesses and social activities, but Horse Racing Ireland has been refining its submissions in an effort to bring that date forward.

It is believed that the governing body needed to spell out in more detail the extent to which racing behind closed doors would be able to adhere to the various health measures involved in social distancing, contact tracing and numbers on duty at the track.

It is hoped that Wednesday’s announcement that some equestrian sport activity can resume from Monday, inside phase one of the five-phase roadmap, will strengthen HRI’s case for an earlier resumption.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) met on Thursday to discuss the possible easing of some Covid-19 restrictions, with the cabinet understood to be meeting on Friday morning to give a verdict on the submissions that have been made by various industries and sectors.

Fine Gael TD Martin Heydon told the Dail on Wednesday that equestrian sport’s return in phase one should set a precedent for an earlier resumption of racing.

The first politician seen to publicly fight racing’s corner in the Dail lately, Heydon made a powerful address, insisting racing would be safe to resume and outlining the strengthened protocols made by HRI for racing behind closed doors.

He said: "I believe the precedent set here in relation to outdoor equestrian activity does give a very strong case for the earlier resumption of horseracing activity in Ireland also.

"Every day horses are being exercised on gallops all over the country with jockeys on their backs. Horse Racing Ireland have strengthened further the protocols around the resumption of racing behind closed doors, even since the ten meetings which were held behind closed doors, before the closure of the tier two activity some time ago."

It is understood that June 8 remains the most realistic middle ground for Irish racing’s resumption, although some are quietly hopeful that it could be brought forward to phase one in light of the news that some equestrian activity is permitted at that stage.

Given how finely balanced the situation is, few industry stakeholders were willing to be quoted on the record when contacted by the Racing Post on Thursday, while HRI is choosing not to comment until a decision has been made by the government.

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