Gambling review

'These checks are deeply flawed and people could be forced to the black market during the Cheltenham Festival'

Louie French:
Louie French: "These checks, as designed and implemented, are deeply flawed"

More than 20 MPs, including representatives from all four major parties, spoke in the debate on affordability checks at Westminster Hall on Monday. Here is a selection of their views . . .

Adam Afriyie, Conservative MP for Windsor
"Does it not strike you as there’s a degree of hypocrisy here that a large proportion of problem gamblers are just using National Lottery scratchcards, who are really in great difficulty. Compared to those who gamble on horseracing, it’s about four times higher."

Peter Aldous, Conservative MP for Waveney
"These affordability checks in their current form will have a serious impact on the take from the levy. Horseracing funding is under real pressure in this country. The honourable member for Shipley [Philip Davies] said we have the best racing in the world but that is increasingly becoming an anachronism and horseracing is at risk of withering on the vine."

Louie French, Conservative MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup
"These checks, as designed and implemented, are deeply flawed and actually on weeks like the Cheltenham Festival they could see people forced into the black market on the first day if they have a bad day betting."

George Freeman, Conservative MP for Mid Norfolk
"There are many that can’t speak here – many peers in the upper house, who have taken a very strong interest – the members for Stratford, for Witham, for Hexham; there are many people across this house who couldn’t speak today who would’ve done very forcefully. Horseracing is the sport of kings, but it is also the sport of stable lads, stable lasses, the sport of small businesses all round the country. It touches on, and is instrumental in, 60 marginal seats, not a small number in an election year."

George Freeman:
George Freeman: "Horseracing is the sport of kings, but it is also the sport of stable lads, stable lasses, the sport of small businesses all round the country"

Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat MP for Bath
"British racing is particularly vulnerable to changes in gambling regulations and it’s important to get this right. The racecourse has expressed concerns to me about the proposed affordability checks and a one-size-fits-all approach will not work, and I echo this. I’m not an expert, but I do occasionally go to the races and it’s absolutely true that it’s fun to put a bet on a horse and that’s fine for most people. It is important there is reform but it’s important that we get it right and, for me, it’s important that Bath racecourse isn’t affected by a big hammer being used to crack a nut."

Kate Kniveton, Conservative MP for Burton
"Many of my constituents enjoy taking part in the time-honoured tradition of having a bet at the races. They are concerned by the proposals that an annual £500 net loss threshold, which equates to £1.37 a day, is going to lead to intrusive checks which will limit their freedom to spend their money on an activity of their choosing."

Laurence Robertson, Conservative MP for Tewkesbury
"Racing cannot take any more further financial setbacks and this is why racing and betting have come together like never before on this issue. They face the greatest ever threat to their existence that has ever been in place, and I am not exaggerating when I say that. Imagine the UK without the Grand National, the Derby, Royal Ascot, Cheltenham – these are iconic races and it would not be the same without those races. I have to say that changes in the levy which are being discussed at the moment would not compensate for the loss that racing could face as a result of the affordability checks. Quite the reverse, it would be seen as a double whammy."

Laurence Robertson:
Laurence Robertson: "Racing cannot take any more further financial setbacks"

Philip Dunne, Conservative MP for Ludlow
"Will the minister give what reassurances he can to the horseracing community, and I speak for Ludlow racecourse which is an important employer and source of entertainment in my constituency, that this industry will not be threatened inadvertently by measures to introduce affordability to vulnerable gamblers, which I think we all want to see."

Read more:

‘We're making a mistake, we must start again’ - MPs blast affordability checks in key debate 

Lee Mottershead: Affordability debate highlights support in parliament for racing's cause - now the government must finally start to listen

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Peter ScargillDeputy industry editor

inGambling review
