
'You don't really expect to get anything more from what you do and love' - David Porter-Mackrell's pride at Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards honour

Newsells Park Stud's stallion manager led a top-class field of nominees

Nathaniel with his stallion man David Porter- Mackrell at Newsells Park StudRoyston 6.9.21 Pic: Edward Whitaker
David Porter-Mackrell with Newsells Park Stud stalwart NathanielCredit: Edward Whitaker

Newsells Park Stud's head stallion man David Porter-Mackrell was still on cloud nine on Tuesday after being named employee of the year at the Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards the previous evening

Porter-Mackrell, who also won the Stud Staff category from fellow shortlisted duo Noel Challinor of Northmore Stud and Jack Conroy of Chasemore Farm, impressed the judges with his exceptional horsemanship and handling of Newsells Park stallions Nathaniel, Without Parole and A'Ali. 

For the overall award, Porter-Mackrell took home £10,000 of prize-money, plus a further £10,000 which will be shared among his colleagues at Newsells Park. 

The Stud Staff award carried a £5,000 prize along with a further £5,000 for his colleagues, prize-money which was made possible thanks to Godolphin’s sponsorship of an event staged at Ascot racecourse and organised by the BHA, in conjunction with the Racing Post and Racing TV.

Porter-Mackrell has worked at the Hertfordshire farm for 15 years and knew from a young age that a career with horses was what he wanted. 

He said: "It means an awful lot and you don't really expect to get anything more from what you do and love. It's pretty humbling really and it's still sinking in. 

David Porter-Mackrell and Julian Dollar at the Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards
David Porter-Mackrell and Julian Dollar at the Thoroughbred Industry Employee AwardsCredit: Dan Abraham

"I was about ten or 11 when I first came into contact with horses, they changed a lot for me and I knew quite early on that all I wanted to do was make a career around being with them.

"I did ride, but only for leisure, and someone suggested to me that stud work would be a good avenue to go down. I got a job and started to learn the trade. To not come from a racing background, or even a horsey background, and manage to carve out a respectable career shows how open-armed the industry is. 

"As long as you've got a good attitude, are willing to learn and have a care for the horses, you've got everything you need."

Asked if he had any four-legged favourites, Porter-Mackrell said: "They've got their own needs and they all teach you something. It's hard to separate one from another as they're all special in their own way. 

"The award itself was also quite special yesterday; how happy everybody was for me, even the other finalists coming over and congratulating me. It says a lot about the industry we're in. Everybody in this game looks out for each other and the rewards are endless really."

Newsells Park manager Julian Dollar had referenced his colleague's impeccable standards in nominating him for the awards, and on Tuesday underlined how proud he was of his achievement.

David Porter-Mackrell and Without Parole at Newsells Park Stud
David Porter-Mackrell and Without Parole at Newsells Park Stud Credit: Melanie Sauer

 He said: "I've been very lucky to have nominated people in the past who have made the lists, and to have another person was great. It also dawned on me just how important it was for the whole team. It was David who accepted the award, but it was also for all the guys back at the farm who work hard every day. I was really pleased for David and also his colleagues.

"David is a very special guy, he came to us when we were starting a stallion operation in early 2009. He came in when Mount Nelson was here to run that show and, for me, he was the outstanding candidate. 

"He has absolutely exceeded my expectations ever since. He's a remarkable guy and is dedicated to two things: his horses and his family. In a general day-to-day basis he'd prioritise the horses ahead of his family, but luckily they understand how he ticks."

Dollar also emphasised Porter-Mackrell's love and care of the stallions at Newsells, even during the busiest times of the covering season.

"I've never seen him get cross with a stallion, not once despite provocation," said Dollar. "He always presents his horses beautifully; whether out for a show or in the covering barn, that horse is always spotless. The same goes for the stables, the yard, the covering barn, all the areas looked after by him."

He added: "I don't know how he does it and I've got a lot to thank him for. I can't think of anyone who deserves it [the overall award] more. He's an exceptional person and Newsells is incredibly lucky to have had him for as long as we have."

Read more

David Porter-Mackrell named employee of the year at the Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards 

Kitty TriceBloodstock journalist

